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queerspawn on the radio...

"I thnk I might want to be straight..."

As part of the StoryCorps project, listen to queerspawn Kaitlyn Sever as interviewed by her mom, Lynne Lande.

For those in the San Francisco Bay Area, you can make a reservation to record your story at the MobileBooth which is in town until Nov 28. Alas, all of the slots are reserved. If anyone gets in to tell their story, please let us know.

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This is worth the minute or two to listen to. It's so telling of the queerspawn experience that when someone asks you about your future, you immediately think of your sexuality/relationships as part of your identity. And her awareness about family/relationships at the age of ten is something many of us develop early because people are always questioning the validity of our families. The entire project is just beautiful, with wonderful diversity is so many ways.

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