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Can you spell Q-U-E-E-R-S-P-A-W-N?

Sarah Saltzberg as Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre

I had the pleasure of indulging in some Broadway this past week while on vacation in New York.

A relatively newcomer to the Great White Way, the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee has some fun unexpected queer content. Contestant Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre is introduced as the President of her elementary school Gay-Straight Alliance, she stops to thank her Dads before spelling and sings her solo "Woe is me"

A sampling:
Though I practice yoga
I don’t breathe
I try not to disappoint
But still I
Disappoint the dads
Who my friends mock
Kids are mean
Kids’ll talk
All my so-called friends roll their eyes
They’re incredibly petty
Because my dads are my dads
And alright enough already
Woe is me
Which is why I gotta win
This spelling bee

Incidently, the music itself isn't groundbreaking, but the humor of the dialog is well worth it. (So much so that it won last year at the Tony's.)

>>Check out the Putnam County soundtrack on iTunes


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Some more Putnam County lyrics for your enjoyment...

"Dear if you should feel my gloom
Blame it on me
Blame it on your Daddalee and Mammalee
‘Cause depression runs in our family"

i am so glad you guys saw this. i loved it. doug and i saw it in may. the more i listen to the soundtrack the more i love it too!

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