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"yesterday dad told me he was gay"

Like many of us I travelled back to see my family for the holidays. This year was about change and new traditions as my brother spent his first holiday season away from home (in Miami, no less) and for the first time my parents lived more than 15 mins away from one another.

While digging through my packed up boxes at my Mom's house I discovered my journal from (gasp!) over 16 years ago. I would like to share with you the first page (bad spelling and all):


Kate 9 years

Yesterday dad told me he was gay. Wich was a suprise. He's getting a new condo and live there sometimes. He said "Its an Advenure" well it sure is. today in school (Oh by the way I'm scared) I got teased by my friends. I traded a Fruit Roll-up for candy and she left the wraper for me. So life is tuff. But we live. So things will be better tomorow. (Oh yeh My dads real proud of me for beeing good about it. So off I go to the worlds weirdest Adventure. By now)"


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