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spawnosphere: Kaitlin Colombo

Today's lesson: Abigail is far more on top of the "spawnosphere" than I.

Since I did a run through of the queerspawn bloggers for last night's summary I decided to one of my semi-regular checks on technorati for today's check into the "spawnosphere."

More than a few bloggers mentioned watching Last Comic Standing and hearing contestant Kaitlin Colombo's jokes about having a gay dad. News to me... but of course Abigail's on top of it. She posted about Kaitlin days ago and even included news of her upcoming appearance on a Rosie R Family cruise.

It's nice to see queerspawn out and about, even if I wasn't totally into it... but in her defense, I'm picky about stand up and two minutes barely gives you time to warm up a crowd. And her "smother" joke did make me laugh out loud. (So maybe I'm just up too late.) Personally, I'm more curious to see her commentary on E! specials like "101 Celebrity Slimdowns" and "10 Ways to Superstardom."

See her for yourself and watch Kaitlin's clip on Last Comic Standing.

Or... become Kaitlin's friend on myspace. There are even a few blog posts there. (See how this all comes back around.)

Kaitlin... welcome to the spawnosphere.


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Finally, let's get this girl at our events - she know what we really find funny... plus you can on the site and vote for her to win too...

also to keep you in the loop, another queerspawn in the media

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